Hello/Kia Ora

I’m Glynis, a midlife introvert, writer, and creative entrepreneur. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Applied Social Science, with majors in psychology and counselling.

Some journeys are direct, and some are circuitous; some are heroic, and some are fearful and muddled. But every journey, honestly undertaken, stands a chance of taking us toward the place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.


My Deep Gladness

My life journey includes all these elements. My deep gladness is found in harnessing my passion for personal growth and creative writing. I develop psycho-educational resources that foster personal development. This includes self-paced digital courses to inspire and empower midlife adults to thrive on purpose in this often-conflicted life season.  I also publish related articles and resources on Substack and my website, the Midlife Hours.  

Family Footprints

My childhood unfolded in Cape Town, South Africa, a place that shaped my early identity and resilience.  A few years ago, my family extended our footprint to New Zealand to start our next chapter. I live with my husband and two young adult daughters in Wellington.

To facilitate a healthy balance between work, rest and leisure, I enjoy getting outdoors into our tranquil new surroundings to refresh and reset. Reading and journaling are a part of my daily practice to foster spiritual and personal growth and renewal.

Leisure and Pleasure

I relish quality time with family and friends over a home-cooked meal. As an introvert with multiple interests my pastimes fluctuate depending on season and available free time. I enjoy digging into genealogy archives uncovering my diverse family history. Often inspired by pros at work in cooking series, I’ll try my hand at a new biscotti or scone recipe. Over festive season I get lost in a jigsaw puzzle, or a holiday crochet or decor project. In Spring, I get potter around in the garden, watching nature unveil it’s colourful displays and herald in another season for fresh starts and new beginnings.

Lifelong Learner

As a lifelong learner, I believe we’re always evolving through our professional and personal experiences. And, that challenges are a healthy part of our growth because it fosters patience, perseverance, and resilience. These are character traits the demands of the world call for today.

Let’s Journey Together

Have a question, comment or to access my resources, click the links in this BIO.

I look forward to engaging with you.

Take care!